Date: 04/27/13
Orchestra: Chamber
Attendance: good
Repertoire rehearsed: everything!
Little things I noticed: what I beautiful day it was. If only our instruments weren't so sensitive to sunlight, I would've loved to rehearsed outside. Maybe next time we can find a shade to rehearse under...
Coming along, coming along. But I would like to see more communication among yourselves while playing. Obviously not verbal communication, but non-verbal communications - through your sounds, moving of your instruments and bow, eye contacts, bobbing of heads, and even a simple smile. Try not to rely on me but yourselves. Remember, I won't be there (on stage) to scream at you during the concert :)
Please know the music enough to know if you've fallen off from the horse. It pains me to see you go on while some of you are one or two measures off. And even if you were playing right, I would've appreciated if someone helped them get back on, or stop yourselves to address the issue. I need more incentives from all of you. I need YOU to want to have a tighter group. YOU are the conductors in this particular group. I'm sure you are aware of that much, but it also means that you must have the knowledge of a conductor.
But honestly, it's not that difficult. You just have to know what the piece is supposed to sound like, and the rest is comparing yourselves to what you know, and think about how you can make yourselves sound like what you have in mind. Simple as that :)
The greatest part is, every single one of you have the same exact mission, so the more you help each other, the easier it gets!
And I know that all of you know the music well. So just don't be shy about being a good musician!