Friday, March 15, 2013

Jimi for fun!

So I had a little bit of spare time today, and I wanted to do something fun (for me), so I decided to record myself playing some rock n roll. And I thought, I might as well do something that will potentially benefit other people. So I recorded myself playing "Purple Haze" in the same manner I arranged it for the chamber group.

Now, I did record this without ever practicing, so please excuse some of the roughness :) (This was primarily for my own entertainment!) By posting this however, I'm hoping to show an example of what we CAN do with our instruments, and that we CAN rock out even on our multi-century old instruments that were invented to entertain stuck-up aristocrats :)

I'm also playing the djembe (an African drum) in this for an added effect.

Also, if this is the first time you are hearing me play the cello, I wanted to tell you that no, I don't usually produce sounds like this when I play classical music :) In this recording, I'm trying to imitate the sound of the distortion of the electric guitar by combining some tricks NOT used in classical music, and some things you are "not supposed to" do in classical music :)

I'm hoping that this helps somewhat (for you kids in chamber)!