Saturday, February 16, 2013

mid-winter madness

Date: 2/14/13
Orchestra: CYO
Repertoire Rehearsed: all, but poor Mozart
Attendance: good
Coaches present: Mr. Lin and Jennifer (it was very nice to finally meet her)
Little things I noticed:
  So it seems that at the same time illness and injuries seem to have all of a sudden decided to attack our little group of people, malfunctioning of the instruments are also spreading. That meteor that fell feels especially eerie now...  Joking aside, this season is not an instrument-friendly season. Please take good care of them. Do not leave them in a non-heated room, or inside the car, or by the windows or the door, the radiator, space heater, stove, sink, fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, shower, or inside that dark, damp or dry and dusty closet, where the creepy crawly creatures live.... Using the humidifier helps too!
And more importantly, please take a good care of yourself! So many of you are treating/experiencing either an injury or an illness, or even both (!). To those of you, I wish you a very speedy recovery. And those of us who are currently healthy, lets do our best to try to keep it that way :)

We started with sectionals again. I had noted specific spots from the last rehearsal and wanted to work on those.
During this rehearsal, I kept telling myself that I REALLY want to work on the ensemble of this group, but the little things like issues in dynamics, notes, and entrances were getting in the way. Next week, I think I'm going to really shuffle the seats around, so people can hear and see their own orchestra from different perspectives, rather than being comfortable in our own designated seats. I might even talk about some of the roles each seat have in the orchestra.

So, if you are still a bit uncomfortable with your notes (and dynamics and entrances) - you know who you are - please make sure that you have a better grip on them by next week, because it's about to get REAL here! :)

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