Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Lazy Day

Date: 2/16/13
Orchestra: Chamber
Attendance: good!
Repertoire Rehearsed: BACH!!!   we also did Matt's "favorite" part of Kiki. You are welcome :)
Little things I noticed: We kept the unplugged space heater in the middle throughout the entire rehearsal...

Today, I decidedly did, absolutely nothing. I would just sit back and watch them teach themselves. Well, I think you guys just gave yourselves the best coaching we've ever had yet :) I was amazed not only in the content and topics of the session, but how you all stayed focused, and didn't waste a second of the rehearsal time.

Well, I'm humbled now :)

I got to witness some great collaborative skills and problem solving skills! Really good stuff, guys!

I think music becomes, much harder, but ten thousand times more fun when you REALLY listen to what you are doing. It teaches you, and entertains you at the same time. Listen and ask yourselves, am I (are we) doing this right? What can I/we do to be better? And when you do see things improve, it just gets so much more fun. And if it's fun, who cares if it's difficult, right?

I really enjoyed the powwow circle thing at the end. I wouldn't mind rehearsing like that every time from now on. I felt that it was much easier to play together because you could sense each other better. Did you all feel that way?

So, here's a picture of the dog that is portrayed in the Kiki piece. His name is Jeff (short of Jeffrey).

I think the music is perfect. Don't you?

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